Friday, November 30, 2007
Band Championships

Saturday, November 24, 2007
Grandmom and Pop-Pop Thompson came down from NJ to join us for Thanksgiving. The day started out with citrus from the neighbors trees. First grapefruits. Drew helped Grandmom cut them and squeeze the juice. We hade a great citrus breakfast along with sticky buns from Chester's (brought all the way from NJ.)
Pop-Pop took Drew for a ride in the tractor.
Grandmom and Tessa snuggling...
There's nothing like eating your Thanksgiving dinner on the lanai! It was a beautiful day!
Friday we went to Bass Pro Shops... pics to come...
Monday, November 19, 2007
A Nebraska Harvest

With only 1/2 hour left in the firearm season Toby harvested this beautiful 8 point white-tail. He crossed the creek about 300 yards from us. I grunted a few times and within about 5 minutes he came toward us. Toby shot him at a little over 100 yards. The buck dropped in his tracks. This is Toby's 5th deer in three years. Toby has now taken three deer from this exact spot and I have taken one. Uncle Lee shot his buck about 50 yards south of this spot a few years ago. Unfortunately it looks like the ground may be leased next year so we will be unable to hunt there anymore.
Also notice what we were wearing. It was 69 degrees on November 18. Wow, there should be snow on the ground by now. Let it Snow!
Friday, November 16, 2007
Fear not: We're still alive
I know that Becca and I have not posted anything in awhile. After an intense summer, we are reveling in the normal day-to-day of married life. Who knew that grocery shopping and cooking dinner take so long? Anyway, I've uploaded a few pictures from our fall so you can see a few things that we've been up to.
Photos are here
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Friday, November 09, 2007
Fun in the "Cold"
Quote of the day:
Mommy: "Drew, what happened to your hair?"
Drew: "It got wrinkled"
It's been "cold" here since Saturday. "Cold" means, for example, it was 57 degrees today at 8:30 am but will probably go up to 76 degrees by this afternoon. It's finally that time of year where I can turn off the air conditioning and throw open the doors and windows for the next 5 months at least. The kids love it. Our lanai is screened in and they play out there all day. Drew rides his tricycle like a crazy man! Tessa just runs around following him. Drew insisted on socks, hat and "sweat coat" this morning to play-- it was a little cold for his liking! In a few hours, their outfits will be too hot and I'll have to change them into shorts and T-shirts. I only have a few warm things for them to wear. Guess it's time to buy a few more pants and long-sleeved shirts. Of course, it's supposed to be a high of 85 degrees on Saturday!
On another note, Drew has been potty-training for a month now and is doing pretty well. He's gone a few times in public bathrooms, but most of the time gets too nervous once we get in the public restroom. He wears underwear all day unless we go out or to church, then he wears a pull-up. He even does great in underwear at the babysitters! He does a pretty good job of keeping his pull-up dry when we go out. We haven't attempted bed-time in underwear yet. Thought you might get a laugh out of this picture!