Saturday, December 27, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Toby Wrestling
This is my first attempt to upload video from new camera. Obviously I need more work since the quality is very poor. Not sure what happened.
Toby won the 125lb weight class in a wrestling tournament last Saturday. On Friday he won the 119lb weight class at another tournament. This is the first of his matches at 125lb.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Growing a kiwi
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Off the Charts
Braden had his 4 month check-up today (yeah, I know he will be 5 months on Sunday.) I've been curious to see just how big he is. Last visit he was in the 95th percentile for length and weight. Well today he weighed in at 19 pounds, 1 ounce and was 27 3/4 inches long! Compared to the average 5-month-old, he is off the charts for both length and weight. According to his doctor, he is the size of an average 9-month-old. No wonder my arms are always tired! Here's a picture of my big boy just to make you smile!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Toby's first wrestling match...six months post surgery!
Toby has actually only this week been allowed to wrestle at full strength during practice. He won this first match, but lost in the championship round, to take second in his first tournament this year.
Toby getting ready to wrestle...Sam videos and keeps Toby's clothes close by.
Not a great pic, but shows the strength and concentration it takes.
This match took all three 2 minute rounds and would have been a tie if he took a few seconds longer to make this pin. I think he was just too tired to consider overtime!
A little celebratory emotion!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Tonight he went to his first formal dance at school. I tried to get a couple of pictures of him and he decided to get a little silly. I can't believe how grown up he is getting. I am having trouble uploading the slideshow so you can click on the picture to see all of them.
![]() |
Christopher |
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
What a Difference a Year Makes
I was looking at last year's tree decorating pics and just can't get over how much Tessa has changed in just one year's time (15 months old vs. 27 months old.) I think the big difference is she went from 4 teeth to a mouthful and her hair has grown so much! She is a little girl, no longer a baby! She is so sweet and sassy at the same time. She is our "actress"-- can change into character in a moments notice! She has changed so much, I just had to share...

Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Thanksgivingish 08
Monday, November 24, 2008
One of my students
One of my students from our church plays football for the Nebraska Corn Huskers. Each week Nebraska Fellowship Of Christian Athletes posts an interview with a player or coach. This week Lance Thorell was featured. Lance graduated from Loomis in 2006. His dad is one of my Elders. I would like to think that I taught Lance everything he knows but the truth is the Huskers have an amazing FCA group and one of their assistant coaches, Ron Brown, was the Neb FCA director.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Toby's deer
Toby waited until the last evening of the deer season to take his deer. He shot this large doe at about 100 yards. He was in a tree stand by himself. His shot dropped the deer. Sam & I were in another stand about 100 yards away but saw no deer. Every one has shot a deer this year. Jesse of course shot two. I have three deer in the shed right now to cut up. Our freezer is full and we will give some away.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Jesse's Deer
I took Jesse on his first hunt Friday afternoon. We set the blind up in an Alfalfa field where Sam shot his deer on Monday. With 10 minutes left before dark two deer came out ten yards from us. I stopped the lead deer at 20 yards and Jesse shot it, dropping it there. The other one ran out into the field and stopped turning to look at us at 60 yards. While celebrating and high fiving we remembered that their youth permits allow a second bonus tag for an antlerless whitetail. So Jesse then shot the second one as well. So on his very first deer hunt Jesse took two. He thinks this hunting thing is easy.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
New glasses

By the way, notice the new colors of our living room? Dad came over Saturday to lay the carpet and Darlene convinced us it would be the perfect time to repaint the living room. So we did most of the painting on Sunday. I still have to finish the trim and the cutting in. I am not used to such dark colors, but I really like it.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Sam's First Deer
This is Sam's first season hunting deer. Sam, Toby a I went hunting all day Saturday. We saw a couple of does and one huge buck but did not get a deer. Today, I picked Sam up after school. We set up on an Alfalfa field where the deer are feeding. Only ten minutes after getting in the blind a doe stepped out at a little over 100 yards. She gave us several opportunities but we decided that Sam would wait for a closer shot. Soon a deer stepped out into the field at 35 yards. Sam made a perfect shot and harvested his first deer. Nebraska allows the kids a bonus antlerless tag so he used that and still hopes for a buck. The deer ran about 60 yards after the shot. Sam drug it back to the field by himself.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Heaven and Hell
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
It was still raining hard when we left Oakcrest but it was not raining in Hershey and there was not forcast for rain there. Just as we started to warmup for the show, it started to drizzle and was extremely windy. Not good for the traveling of music and the flag routine. As we entered the field to perform, it had stopped raining and the wind was not blowing. Tom later told us that the wind died down just as we were going on and started again shortly after we performed.
We ended up in 5th place with a score of 91.9. We were not happy with the score, but we had fun anyway. You can go to our website to see more pictures taken by our photographers.
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Nebraska Hunting Trip With Dad
Dad came out to hunt the big bucks of Nebraska. We hunted hard for five days taking only Sunday morning off. We each had shots at big bucks. Buck fever is still alive and well even for us veteran hunters. On the last evening I shot a small 6 point buck with a broken rack. I had a doe permit so I waited until dark and was in awe as this buck stepped out 15 minutes before dark. I had no permit for a buck so I took this picture. It was too dark for the picture so I had to Photoshop it to see the buck.
This is one of dad's setups. He had several opportunities as the deer headed toward the alfalfa field behind him.
The last morning dad rattled in several bucks but none would come close enough. This one however came in 15 yards from me after I grunted at him and I still had only a doe permit. Dad said this 8 point was the small one. On Monday night I missed this buck or one similar to it. My excuse is that I had to hold my bow at full draw for a long time and he was 38 yards.
So I settled for this buck when he walked up behind me. The shot was 10 yards. At 4:35 I texted ( dad and I sent text messages back & forth to keep each other up to date) dad to tell him that I had seen no deer. At 4:39, I texted him to tell him I had shot a small buck. I hit the shoulder but he only went 50 yards. There was no blood trail but he was easy to find. He never left the run. He is not the big one but he will surely make great chili or lasagna. We have had a great time enjoying our God's creation.
It's official: It's a Girl!

Saturday, November 01, 2008
Halloween Fun!
Every year our church has a great Halloween outreach called Family Fest. Tons of candy, games, bounce houses and food-- they really do it well. This year Both Drew and Tessa had a blast. Drew was a firefighter (he'll tell you that's what he wants to be when he grows up) and Tessa was a fairy princess. They were both thrilled with their costumes. Braden had fun taking it all in!
Here they are ready to go to church:
Couldn't get Tessa out of the ballpit!
Braden's all smiles!
Rob's camo makeup made for some very realistic soot
Tessa hammin' it up!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Project: Water of Life

The struggle is, $5390 is still more than Karen and I can afford on our own. So, we've decided that what we can do, is draw attention to the need as well as the opportunity. We have established a website,, to raise awareness and provide people an opportunity to donate. Our goal is to raise $5390 by the end of February 2009. If we fall short, the monies donated will still go toward "shares" of a well, but how great would it be to say that together as friends & family, we were able to provide a well for an entire village?! Please don't feel obligated to contribute, but give it a look, pray about it, and see if this issue touches you the way it has touched us.
A business trip to remember
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Phone is back on!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Fall in New England with Grandmom & Poppop
Sunday, October 05, 2008
No Cell Phone!