Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Model Railroad

All you model railroaders need to see this from the choo choo barn in Lancaster.


Our trip to California

Becca and I just got back from our anniversary trip to California. I had to travel to San Diego for a week of training for work, and Becca came with me. Then, we drove up the coast and spent a week about an hour's drive north of San Fransisco.

Although we got to hang out in the evenings while in San Diego, the second week was really our vacation. We stayed in the town of Marshall, CA (population 50), which is on Tomales Bay and just behind Point Reyes National Seashore. Our week in the middle of nowhere was wonderful. We spent a lot of time hiking, horseback riding (a first for me), and watching the local wildlife (including harbor seals, sea lions, elephant seals, and tule elk). Although we expected it to be warmer, it was beautiful. Apparently Northern California summers are known for their fog. Who knew? We showed up with lots of shorts (that are still clean) and only a few pairs of pants (that are very dirty).

We did take a few breaks from our slow paced trip to travel to downtown San Fransisco for one day and Sonoma Valley for one day. We also visited Muir Woods State Forest to check out the Coastal Redwoods.

All of those were very nice, but our hearts were in the mist swept valleys, cool plains, the grand cliffs, and the sweeping beaches of the Point Reyes area.

The nearest "big town" to Marshall is Point Reyes Station (Population 350, woohoo!). The area was interesting for a lot of reasons. First of all, it seemed as though many of the hippies from Berekely moved north to Point Reyes when they "grew up." Everything in the area is organic and local. Becca and I have been doing a lot of reading and thinking about the local food movement. It was very exciting for us to visit a place where every dish on the menu listed where every ingredient came from. I had a bleu cheese burger: the bleu cheese was made by a creamery in town, the meat came from the Niman Ranch just up the road, the produce from the Farmers' Market, and the bun was made by the local bakery. We also had the best Pizza I had ever had, literally.

(I'm checking out the harbor seals from a distance so that we don't disturb them.)

Friday, July 25, 2008

Braden’s Birth Video…

Without further delay, here is Braden’s birth video.  Enjoy!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Braden is here!

Braden Montgomery was born at 8:15 am today (Mon 7/21).  He is 9lbs 15 oz and 21“ long.

Everyone is doing great!

Montgomery is in honor of Becky’s father and grandfather (Montgomery was their middle names).

Some pictures are below and more are available and even more will be available later today and in the days to come at





Friday, July 18, 2008

10 Years!


It’s hard to believe that 10 years ago today we walked down the aisle and said “I do.”  13 years ago today we had our first date at Olive Garden.  Those years have flown by!  We have walked through life together and I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.  The last 10 years have been full of fun and sorrow and moves and challenges and changes.  We’ve done it all together, hand in hand.

Rob, I love you more today than I did that day 10 years ago.  That sounds so cliche’, but I don’t know how to say it any other way.  I am so thankful God brought us together.  Going through life with you has brought me nothing but joy, even during difficult times.  I  can’t wait to see what the next 10 years bring!

I love you!


Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Prayer Request

We just heard that a boy from one of the other churches attending camp with Darlene was severely injured. Here is the email we received.

Tim called after 11:00 last night and informed me that a 15 yr. old male camper was involved in one of the camp activities (inflatable sumo wrestling suits). He fell back and hit his head, they do not think he will make it. There was no brain activity at the hospital last night, they are checking him again this morning. His family was supposed to have moved out of town but because he wanted to go to camp they decided to put the move off for a couple weeks so he could attend. His parents are w/him at the hospital, please keep the whole situation in your prayers. Tim said that the entire camp atmosphere has changed drastically. Last night's evening service was incredible. When I hear more details I will pass them along.

Update: Curtis was procnounced dead this afternoon. He is now in Heaven with his Father.

Friday, July 04, 2008

Challenge 2008

I have been in Utah all week for our National Youth Conference.  6000 students and leaders gathered for the week in Salt Lake City for awesome worship and even better preaching.  For more on the conference CLICK HERE.  I thought you might be interested in this picture. 

