Toby won this weeks Tournament with 3 pins. This final match is over last years 5th place state medalist. Toby lost to him twice last year.
This is our little spot on the web to keep up with each other and share pictures easily!
Toby won this weeks Tournament with 3 pins. This final match is over last years 5th place state medalist. Toby lost to him twice last year.
Sam shot his first Muzzle Loader Deer tonight. The temp was –1 at the time. The deer was 154 paces across a picked corn field. Sam used the hood of the truck for a rest and made a perfect shot. The deer ran about 50 yards before crashing in the corn. We were about a mile from the closest road. Sorry about the quality. This is just a cell phone picture.
Jesse shot this deer at 82 paces with a rifle. This was the first of many that came out to feed on an alfalfa feed in front of our ground blind. Sam was on the other side of the field and had to watch all the deer since they were on our side and too far from him for a shot. Muzzle Loader season starts next week. Both boys are looking forward to the season. Toby is continuing to archery hunt. It has been a great year so far with six deer in the freezer.
I was fortunate to take this buck on the last day of the 2009 early bow season. He was chasing a doe when I shot him. I told the boys that chasing girls can be deadly. Tomorrow the Rifle season starts. Sam and Jesse will be looking for a deer in the morning. Click Here for more pics.
I have been so busy hunting and trying to keep up with the ministry that I have not had time to update the blog with some pics. Perhaps I will write later with the story but here are a few pics. Toby shot his deer about a month ago. Dad and I shot ours this past week. The final one is a young guy from our church with a great buck he brought by to show off.
On Sunday night Toby, took his first deer with a bow. He shot it at 18 yards dropping in its tracks. It is a 3x3 buck. Mattie was in a ground blind with me. We saw lots of deer and actually shot a doe but did not find it. Sam and Jesse were in other stands. They are not yet carrying a bow. Both saw lots of deer including one very large buck.
On Wednesday the kids had off from school so we went in the morning. Sam and Jesse saw a couple of deer. I saw none and Toby shot his second deer. The archery permits have a bonus doe permit so Toby let a small buck walk and then shot this doe. She was 26 yards away and his shot again dropped her in her tracks. We now have lots of meat in the freezer.
As the weather cools and the leaves begin to turn, the signs of fall are all around us. Our sovereign God controls all things. His faithfulness to us is displayed in the changing of the seasons as the heat of summer gives way to the cool nights of early fall. Soon, the snow will fly only to be followed by the daffodils of spring. As sure as the seasons is God’s grace offered to us in the horror of the cross. One day we will be with him. Until then, we enjoy the beauty of his creation and dream of the day when all will be made perfect as it was intended to be before Adam allowed pride to enter his heart.
As we spent our first afternoon in a tree stand, we were filled with anticipation for the deer that might pass within range. On this day, that was not to be. As so often happens, each deer passed by safely beyond the range of my arrow. There will be more days to dream about the big one that didn’t get away. Today was a day to spend some time with my boys and recognize that I am blessed by the God of All.
Some have said they can’t see the album. Try this
After proclaiming their faith in Jesus and desire to obey him throughout their lives, Mattie and two of her friends were Baptized last night.
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Sweet 16 |
After 9 months of hard work, Sam graduated from our Bible class. In the class we covered Bible Survey, Doctrine, Church, Missions and Service. Sam and his friends all did a great job. each of the students led the Sunday morning service and gave their testimony. I will upload the video to the blog soon.
24Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. 25Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.
1 Corinthians 9:24-25
We are planning to be in NJ sometime around July 4. What is everybody's else's plans? We had thought about June 23-July 7 or there about. Comment and give us your dates so we can plan to optimal time.
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2009 Semi |
Drew has started taking off his “swimmies” or “floaties” and actually swimming. Well, maybe it would more appropriately be called “desperate doggie paddling”, but swimming nonetheless!
To watch in HD, click play below, then choose HD at the bottom. To watch it large in HD click here.
He started crawling about a week ago.
To watch in HD, click play below, then choose HD at the bottom. To watch it large in HD click here (requires a fast connection).
This was sent from my BlackBerry.