Monday, February 16, 2009

Playing Outside…

We went outside today to play.  Here are some pictures I caught..

Many more available here.

State Qualifying Match

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Nebraska State Wrestling Tournament

Toby will be wrestling in the State Tournament in Omaha next weekend.  We traveled 300 miles to NW Nebraska for the Nebraska Class C District Championships.  Toby won his matches on Friday and then needed to win one on Saturday.  After a tough loss to last year's state runner-up, Toby won his qualifying match.  This win earned him a spot in the State Tournament.  Our team qualified four wrestlers.  We are very proud of Toby and very excited for this awesome opportunity to wrestle at the Quest Center in Omaha.  His first match will be on Thursday afternoon.  We will keep you posted on how he does.  I will post a video later after it uploads.



Team Prayer before the tournament began.  Toby is in there somewhere.


Because our team consists of wrestlers from two separate schools, Toby wears Blue or Green depending upon the round.  Loomis is green but he doesn't mind wearing Bertrand blue.


Friday, February 13, 2009

Video of Braden Giggling…

To watch in HD, click play below, then hover over the bottom right corner, and choose HD. To watch it large in HD click here (requires a fast connection).

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Nebraska Basketball

Jesse and I went to Lincoln, Ne to watch the Nebraska Corn Huskers play the Texas Longhorns.  The huskers won the game 58-55.  





Jesse with Nebraska Football Player Lance Thorell.  Lance is from our church.


We went to Cabellas in Omaha the night before the game


Wednesday, February 04, 2009

An Update on Us

It's been a while since we've blogged about anything, so I thought I would share some things that are going on with us.

First of all, Becca and I are now proud members of
"PLANET FITNESS." It's pretty sweet because it's only $10 per month, no contract obligation, and it's got all of the cardio and weight machines that we could want. Plus, if we go 120 times each in the next year (I know, that's a bit ambitious) than our health insurance will end up paying for the whole thing! So, if you don't recognize us the next time you see us, don't be surpised.

Secondly, Becca went to a few doctor's appointments and we now have some medications to try to suppress Becca's migraines. We're pretty excited about the possibility of migraines being just a memory. Also, we found out that we now have two people in the family that have Lyme Disease. We have no idea when this might have happenned, but we hope that this can also quickly be dealt with.

Becca and I are continuing to enjoy our life at Frazer Mennonite Church. We are enjoying our time on the Honduras Partenership Team, Praise Band, various Children's Ministries, and Sunday School planning committee. It's fun and keeping us, not necessarily busy, but engaged.
Lastly, Becca has been enjoying her latest Grad Class. She is in a program at West Chester University for a Masters in Reading Education. She'll graduate with a certification as a Reading Specialist. The class that she's taking now will soon have her actually doing some tutoring with a young child throughout the semester. The Professor is pretty engaging and seems to be an excellent teacher.
I hope this helps everybody know what we're up to. Talk to you all soon.