Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Maine Event

Becca and I recently returned from a week in Maine. We spent the first few days camping in Camden Hills State Park, in Camden, ME, "The Jewel of the Maine Coast." While there, we went on a few hikes. The second half of our trip we stayed at Island View Inn. We filled our days with shopping, sight-seeing, sailing, and eating eating eating!

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Happy Birthday, Brian!

I just happened to have this older picture of Brian on my work laptop. Enjoy your day, Brian! 26?! Getting old!

Monday, August 03, 2009

Mattie’s Baptism

Some have said they can’t see the album.   Try this


After proclaiming their faith in Jesus and desire to obey him throughout their lives, Mattie and two of her friends were Baptized last night.

Christopher can see now!

Evidently Christopher was pretty blind. The doctor could not believe he never told us that he couldn't see until 2 weeks ago.



Uncle Earl's Retirement

Earl's retirement ceremony this weekend was fun. Uncle Lee told childhood stories on Sat. and a BBQ. On Sunday they showed pics of his and Donna's life's ministries. During the service Lee and Earl spoke. After the service we enjoyed a luncheon that the church provided. Shari, TC and kids were down for the BBQ and Traci and Art came for Sunday.


Originally uploaded by spenglerchip
The Columbine. This is the state flower for Colorodo. An amazingly beautiful, delicate flower now stained with such an ugly association with it's name. These flowers were everywhere in Vail and came in at least a dozen different colors and shades... yellows, blues, purples, reds and pinks.

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Fantastic time in Vail!

We spent a week with some friends in Vail, Co a couple weeks ago. We had an AMAZING time! Hiking, mountain biking, flowers, beautiful laces! It was fantastic!

Since we returned I've been swamped with work, and re-finishing a set of bunkbeds for Chase & Zach. We just got them finished up, assembled, and put up in their room... so tonight I had a minutes. None of these are touched up yet, but it's a start!