Tuesday, March 13, 2007

A gift to locks of love...

Today Mattie had her hair cut for locks of love...
an organization that makes wigs for children out
of real hair blended with synthetic hair.

what took so long to grow,
11 1/2 inches,
was gone so quickly!

she's checkin out her new look!

we decided on a wedge for the back,
with the front still long enough to
clip back or tuck behind her ears.

the conclusion of her goal...
she's been planning this for a long time.
She has a very tender heart for those who
are hurting, and this was one small way
she could minister to other children.


Pauline said...

congratulations Matty! you did a great thing. Brianna did that a couple of years ago and I know how long that takes to grow! That was very nice, and I am sure you will make someone very happy with all that beautiful hair.

and you new do is soooo cute!

The DeLormes said...

Your beautiful new hair matches your beautiful heart! That was such a neat thing to do!!!

Anonymous said...

You look great, Mattie! Thank you for your great example in serving others. We miss you!

Aunt Karen

Roni said...

Good job! Elizabeth did this too a few years ago. I love your new cut!

Barbara said...

Mattie, I think it is just wonderful what you did with your hair to donate it to someone in need. I really love your new hairdo also! Keep shining for Jesus! Love, Aunt Barb

MOM said...


What a beautiful thing to do. It took a long time to grow that hair and maybe you miss it. But think of the look in the eyes of the little girl who will get it. We are proud of your kind heart.

Grandmom and GrandPop

PS Maybe when the other little girl is done with it and healthy again, she could send it to Grand Pop? LOL

Bonnie said...

Way to go Matty! I'm sure some girl is going to be very happy to have some of your hair! And your hair looks just as cute short as it did long.