Friday, March 13, 2009

39 weeks and counting!

I had to work to get this smile! Karen is 39 weeks pregnant today... just one more week to go! We had another appointment today and it looks like all systems are "go"... just waiting it out at this point. Karen's pretty uncomfortable at this point, but I guess you can't expect much else! Take a look at the birthday list on the right and take a guess at who will have to share their birthday!


Rob and Becky said...

lookin good girl! That tummy looks like you are gonna have a big girl! Can't wait to find out who she shares her b-day with :) ~Becky

The DeLormes said...

How exciting!!! Keep us posted...

Brian said...


Bonnie said...

Yes, please keep us posted! We want to see the newest member of your family!!! :-)

Tom Thompson said...

Karen, you look fabulous!!! We can't wait to meet 'Kiwi' in a few months! You're in our prayers. ~Steph

Barbara said...

we're waiting on your news. Praying things go well with you and the baby.

MOM said...

Well I got missed, let's hope it isn't Aunt Stephanie! Ech nite before I go to be, I arrange the phone so I can reach it easily. Is you hospital Wi-Fi?

MOM said...

Good Sport for the pic. Kiwi will be glad to see it when she is four.

Pauline said...

you are a good sport Karen and you look great! What an exciting week this will be! Congratulations again!

uncle lew said...

KIWI??? I think more in line of
hope you have a fast delivery and a speedy recovery..
Uncle Lew and Aunt Jean