Thursday, April 09, 2009

Shore Fellowship Family Service

Our elementary Sunday School program has a great program called Family Times that teaches a different virtue every month. Family Times produces Virtue Packs that parents can buy. We sell it in our book store, but they can also be purchased online. The virtue packs provide activities to be used once a week during dinner, driving, bed time, and in the morning. All of this is designed to give parents simple ways to help their kids grow in faith and character. We start the month with a family service which is similar to VBS. It introduces the virtue with songs, skits and a Bible story. Then each Sunday morning they continue to teach the virtue with a program pretty much like the fmaily service. It has been a great program and we can see the kids really learning how to live a christian life. The virtue this month in Conviction - Standing for what you believe is right, even when others don't.

Even though Christopher is in Junior High, he helps with the praise worship. This is a video of the opening to this month's family service. This all takes place in our children's ministry building. Tom designed and produced the tree house in the balcony.

1 comment:

Pauline said...

great job Christopher and the whole set looks awesome!