Friday, September 25, 2009

God’s Faithfulness


As the weather cools and the leaves begin to turn, the signs of fall are all around us.  Our sovereign God controls all things.  His faithfulness to us is displayed in the changing of the seasons as the heat of summer gives way to the cool  nights of early fall.  Soon, the snow will fly only to be followed by the daffodils of spring.  As sure as the seasons is God’s grace offered to us in the horror of the cross.  One day we will be with him.  Until then, we enjoy the beauty of his creation IMG_4975and dream of the day when all will be made perfect as it was intended to be before Adam allowed pride to enter his heart.

As we spent our first afternoon in a tree stand, we were filled with anticipation for the deer that might pass within range.  On this day, that was not to be.  As so often happens, each deer passed by safely beyond the range of my arrow.  There will be more days to dream about the big one that didn’t get away. IMG_4977 Today was a day to spend some time with my boys and recognize that I am blessed by the God of All.

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