Monday, September 26, 2005

RSS Feed to Reader

Ok, for all you tech geeks in our family…

You can add our family blog to an RSS reader by using the following address.

So you ask what an RSS reader is. In general, RSS allows a website to syndicate its content. Blogger allows us to syndicate our blog.

RSS is a growing technology. There are many places to add a ‘feed’, but the place I added it is on “my yahoo”. I use “My Yahoo” as my homepage everytime I open IE so I will always see the latest posts.


Tom Thompson said...

Thanks for adding the birthdays. You forgot two people. Me and Chase. Also darlene's is May 4 not yours.

Chip and Karen said...

I can't seem to get that link to work on Yahoo. Any suggestions?

Tom Thompson said...

You're almost there. Now you have everyone but me. But then again I don't really celebrate birthdays anymore.

Rob and Becky said...

Chip, call me and I can walk you through it. It worked pretty easily for me, but then again, I am the man!