Well, I had a pretty fun weekend. Becca came up to Boston! This was the second time she’s been here. We had a great time. She got here late Wednesday night. I took off a half-day Thursday and all of Friday. Well, I won’t go day by day, but basically: We got to spend some time at the house with Chip, Karen, and Chase. We went out to dinner at “India Quality” in the city with Becca’s sister and sister’s boyfriend who are both Gordon students. We went to the Pumpkin Festival in the city; at this festival, there were over 19,000 carved pumpkins. It raises money for charities and gets people to carve pumpkins and leave them there. It was incredible to see so many carved/lit pumpkins lining Boston Common. Becca has out pics, I’ll try to post them later. Becca and I went out to dinner in the North End in Boston to Giacomo’s. Mom and Dad, this is where we went a year ago. We went to Church where I’ve been going (which is the same place Chip and Karen go). And lastly . . we carved our own pumpkins. These are our results :

On a different note, my car broke down this weekend. So, I am now faced with the decision of whether to put in a new transmi$$ion, buy a used car, or buy a new car. Yuck!
Any pieces of new/used car fixing/buying would be much appreciated!
Sorry if you got an email claiming that I posted a picture on our blog and were let down when nothing had peen posted. I’m testing out a few different ways to post (e.g. “hello” for pictures and posting through MS Word).
I wish everyone well
Sounds like you had a very fun weekend!!!! Sorry to hear about your car.... I know the feeling. Definitely been there before. Back in 1989 i think it was, I was traveling from Raleigh, NC after camp one summer back to Miami, FL and my transmi$$ion burnt out half way through GA. Talk about depending on the Lord, that was one of those stretching of my faith moments. God did take care of me in a very neat way though! I broke down in one of those don't blink your eyes or you've passed the town places. BUT there just happened to be a police car not far from where I broke down who drove me to a car place that just happened to be in this small town. The secretary of the place drove me to the next exit to stay in a hotel over night while they worked on it. I prayed all the next morning. Then, there just happened to be a car in the junk yard nearby that had the transmi$$ion my car needed. A maid even came to my door and just gave me a snack and a drink for no reason! Now how often does that ever happen?? 24 hours after breaking down, I was on the road again. I don't think all that "just happened", I praised the Lord for His provision and protection of me. A day I will always remember of how I saw God answer my prayers in an amazing way. I'll pray the Lord gives you wisdom in what to do about your car too!!! :-)
Ok, I've never tried Indian food but curiosity got the best of me and I looked up India Quality
India Quality and that coconut soup sounds really good!
The pumkin festival sounds like loads of fun! Bet you got lots of carving "inspiration"...yours was really good (mine always come out looking a little disjointed).
Sorry to hear about the car.
Cute pumkins, guys... "Happy" and "Spooky" must have been fun to create!
Sorry about the car...
Brian Great pictures, Fall in New England how wonderful!
We love Indian food too! We just ate at the India Palace in Dallas a few weeks ago. Thai food is excellent too, lots of spicey dishes yum!
Bonnie, I absolutely love that story! God is good!
Sounds like you had a great time. I can the relate to the car situation. Mine needs to be replaced from the many many many miles that we put on it. It is tired. I can also relate to the God being good story because He sure is that.
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