We wanted to share how we do the sunrise in NE. No beautiful beaches... instead we meet in a pasture, that had donkeys in it this year! We could hear them braying, but they didn't come over the hill. They did however leave us reminders of themselves, so we had to watch where we stepped!

Being on the western side of the central time zone, we didn't have to start until 6:45. What a beautiful time to worship our Risen Lord. The sun came over the hill as Tom was preaching.

This year we did a treasure hunt using Bible references as clues. The kids had to look them up and figure out where the next clue was. We used verses with words like boats, ice, branches, flowers, eggs, etc. We made Resurrection Baskets with items that reminded us of the Easter Story.
Looks so nice. I love the kids baskets and the hunt with verses... what a great touch to it all. I love the idea.
great pictures! The sunrise is beautiful!
As a kid I loved going to sunrise service and then to "Perkins" for Breakfast. What treasured memories.
We don't have a sunrise service at our church, but maybe next year. We do have a field to stand in.
Calixto did a mime to the song "he's Alive" it was very powerful and moving. He did a phenomenal job...as always! He seems to excel at everything he does. Christopher has been singing or humming that song all week!
I love the idea of the verses with the "hunt". I guess I hid the kids eggs a little too much, it took forever for them to find them. Catherine walked out of the front door and said "I don't see any eggs" I eventually had to walk around and give them hints.
Wow!!!! I love the middle picture of the the cross with the sun coming over the hill!!!! That sould be framed!!!! Very beautiful!
How awesome is that! Just beautiful! No matter how much we try to commemorate the resurrection, we could never capture the "awesomeness" of that morning. But I know the Lord is pleased that we worship Him where we find ourselves. The breakfast idea was great--maybe we'll copy your idea next year!!
I'm glad that Brenda remembered Perkins usually she says "taking off their dresses and going around in their slips" (the only way I knew they would be clean for Church.
The sun rise is beautiful over the cross..makes goosebumps..
Mattie's dress is sooooo prety. I had one just like it. -Darlene
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