Sam has started riding horses again at a ranch in Kearney. He loves riding and in another week he will be able to ride independently. He is also learning how to groom and take care of the horses.

Toby ran a 5K race to benefit the Habitat for Humanity organization in Holdrege. He came in second in the 15 and under class. Sam would like to volunteer to help work on the house, however, he will leave the running up to Toby.

We had VBS several weeks ago. The kids were challenged to raise enough money for some new equipment at a local Bible Camp. When they raised enough, they got to throw a pie in Toms face. What a sport!

Then the challenge was increased and met, so Tom had to preach in his swimsuit, sandals, dress shirt and tie. We had quite a crowd there to see those pearly white legs!
5k . . . that's awesome, Toby. Congratulations!
Sam... very cool to get to ride independently!
Toby... From the looks of it, you can probably beat your dad these days! Nice work!
Tom... if some of the people in your church frown at you not wearing a tie, how'd they feel about the swimsuit & sandals? At first I thought it might just be dress-down Sundays for the summer. Thanks for the pics!
Tommy... too funny!!!! You are a good sport! ")
Our attendance was up 50% on the Sunday I wore the swim truncks. I did not realize that my legs were in such demand. The gentleman who complained about me not wearing a tie in the summer actually told me that I should wear shorts more often if our attendance would increase. I think I will stay with long pants however.
Sam, how neat that you like horses! They're a pretty cool animal.
Great job with the race Toby!!!
Tom, that was too funny! :-)
Great pictures of life in Nebraska!
Toby, great job on the race, way to go!
Sam, how fun to learn to ride a horse while your young...when do you get your own horse?!
Tommy, those are great photos of you! I was glad to read that you were challenged to wear that attire and it wasn't just your own fashion sense!
You guys are a rip! Tommy, if attendence is up 50% keep showing off those legs! ha ha
It is a good thing I read under that picture....i was thinking Wow! That must me some casual church but I was wondering what you were thinking...lol Bruce would have loved it!
i'm glad you said because I thought that the one of Tom at church was just the "thompson style of dress"(real bad) you were a good sport to get hit in the face and the kids looked like they really like hitting you...Toby.. you were giving it your all there in that picture.Good show. Sam..maybe you'll grow up to have a horse ranch HAHA but you look good on the horse.
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