I thought the blog would be the best way to let people know that I have a little bit of news to share: I'm Engaged!!!
Here's the brief version of the story:
This past weekend, Becca and I were at Mom and Dad's house (Uncle Tom and Aunt Linda's to some). At 4:25 AM on Sunday morning (8/6/06), I snuck into the guest room and pulled Becca out of bed. I told her that I had a surprise, something I had planned. She guessed that we were going out to watch the stars or something, so sitting there in her PJ's, she told me she was ready. I suggested that she put on some more clothes since we would be out for a few hours.
I proceded to drive to 5th street in Ocean City. Since she actually knows the area pretty well, she figured out where we were going without too much effort. Once we were on the beach (to watch the sunrise), I produced a beach blanket. After sitting down, lighting a few candles, and finally seeing the most beautiful sunrise I have ever seen, I got ready to propose. My plan had been from the beginning to propose just after the sun came up.

Unfortunately, just as the sun was rising, a few people started to come onto the beach. Once girl, in particular, sat down on her chair about 50 feet from us. I started to get really concerned that I had missed my only window of opportunity. I decided to ask Becca to go on a walk. We walked North towards the "North End" where there are no cross streets and therefore, usually, fewer people.
I was in luck! No one was around. So, once we got sufficiently away from anybody, I told Becca that I had written her a sonnet. For the last two lines of the sonnet, I had written a decently smooth lead in to my proposal when I asked Becca to marry me.
Amazingly, and much to the astonishment of my siblings, she said that she would. I spent the next hour divulging all of the ways that I had been lying (fibbing sounds better) over the last month so as to make this a surprise.
Anyway, I suppose that wasn't really the brief version, but if I kept any readers until the end, I hope you liked it. At this point, Becca and I have essentially zero details planned; so I'm just as anxious as everyone else is to hear about our wedding.
Brian and Becca,
You guys are tooooo much!!! Congratulations! I'm pround of you and both Aunt Donna and I are just thrilled you finally did it. How cool and what a story. Keep that for future "historical" memories. You'll be glad you did.
"Ole" Uncle Earl
Wow Brian, what a romantic you are!!!!! Congratulations!!!! I'm so happy for you guys! May you have a wonderful marriage! And don't forget to keep the romance alive even after you get married! :-)
Congratulations! Goodness wasn't it just a few years ago you were that little tiny blond headed boy in my wedding? I think I am starting to feel old. I am very happy for you. You look very happy.
To my only younger cousin :) I am so proud of you! Becca, it was great talking with you a little bit over Christmas time. I look forward to getting to know you better. I am so excited for you both. This is quite an exciting journey! I really hope I'll be able ot make the wedding!
Brian and Becca...Congratulations!!
We are very excited for you and look forward to hearing about the wedding plans.
What an exciting time in life!!
What a romantic side you have Brian, way to go!!
Congratulations Brian and Becca! I was browsing the web sites today after being off for two weeks and was happy to see your news. We were glad to meet Becca at Christmas...any date set for the big day??? Love, Aunt Barb
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