Friday, August 31, 2007

Back to the Grind...

Forgive me for not posting anything sooner.  I returned from Guatemala late Saturday night and I have been slow to get back into the swing of things.  The good part was that my Mom stayed until Tuesday and I didn't have to work on Monday, so I got to spend a little extra time with her.  And I only had to work one day this week. I am  out of sorts from being away on such an intense trip for 9 days.  So its starting to feel like I'm getting back to the grind of everyday life.  I guess next week, with a regular schedule, should help.

IMG_9281 For those of you wondering, Guatemala was beautiful!  Here is a picture with 2 other team members, Julie and Carrie, overlooking the valley on the way to Chipel, the aldea our sister church was located in.   I plan to post a lengthier blog entry with a lot more details/highlights of the trip this weekend, so be on the lookout!  I can't wait to tell you all about it!

Tessa woke up this morning with the yuckiest croupy cough (funny how quickly it started, she was fine last night) and she's had a pretty bad diaper rash for a week now (her first!) so we are off to the doctor this afternoon.  So its definitely back to the daily grind of life. Believe it or not, I like the regular routine of things.  I just have to get myself back into that routine! 



Bonnie said...

Wow that is beautiful! if you hadn't mentioned that it was Guatemala, I would have thought it to be south Brazil!! Glad you had the opportunity to go.

Pauline said...

can't wait to see the pictures. I am sure it will take time to get back into the routine, but I am so glad you are back and that you had the opportunity to go.

The DeLormes said...

That is beautiful! Do post when you can....

You look great, Becky!