Last week it was 85 and we were on the beach. This morning we woke up it was 29. Drew and Tessa are very confused. Drew asked me to turn on the wipers in the car because it was so cold. He just doesn't know what to make of this cold. Drew was so cold this morning, that without any prompting from us he put socks on his hands for gloves. Their sweatshirts are not really cutting the cold.
Here are some pics to show how cold it is... Why is there ice? Well, the sprinklers systems came on. Yes, we are still sprinkling and mowing. Thank goodness that this afternoon will be back up into the 60's and by Sunday it will be back up into the 80's.
Don't you feel bad for us?

we're supposed to have a high of 19 today and we still can't get our kids to put their mittens on! When I pulled into the driveway last night after being in NJ for a week and a half, there was 2" on the driveway (the neighbor obviously used his snow blower to help us out at some point), and 4-5" on the sidewalk (I'm not convinced he didn't use his blower on the sidewalk at some point, too). The 2' we left 11 days ago had melted some, but we still have easily a foot on the ground (it's hard to tell exactly how much between the drifting and the piles from shoveling.
so, no... we don't feel too bad for you. though it is supposed to get into the 40's by saturday!
Chip, Mittens are for snowball fights. Otherwise there is no need until its below zero. I think our brother has gone soft. What do you think?
We are headed for 50 on Saturday. Wow, I'm breaking out the shorts. Maybe we will see some grass after a month of beautiful snow. Don't worry though. It is supposed to snow on Monday.
Oh my word!
You guys are just "nut cases" when it comes to snow! We haven't seen a flake yet here in Maryland and it can stay where ever it is (probably up to Lee's house in Poconos.) Anyway, Rob you havn't "gone soft" you just got smart! Yeaaaa Robbie!
"Ole" Uncle Earl
you guys are too funny!
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