God was at work in Loomis last week. About 60 kids were challenged to Choose Jesus over everything else. Each day the children gave an offering. This year the offering is helping Ralph and Colleen Cole fund VBS in Odessa, Ne. Every year the Coles offer a VBS to the children of Odessa. This year, the children of Odessa will be challenged to Choose Jesus through the gifts of the children of Loomis. How cool is that?

OK what is up with the piglet??
your dare this year was to kiss a pig RIGHT!
it's great that the kids are excited to help other kids learn about the great love that God has for them
Keep up the good work.
That's really great! 60 is a very good number of kids!!! That's so wonderful how they learning at a young age to give to help other ministries. Awsome! So how does the piglet fit into this picture? :-)
How neat, Tom! Kids are so generous when they are "invested" in a ministry idea, right? That is fantastic...
Sorry about the picture without explanation. I meant to publish this to our church blog but published it here by accident. Aunt Jean is right. We challenged the kids to raise money and their reward was seeing this poor pig kiss me. Actually it was my idea. This was a premptive strike to save my hair. Last year they shaved my legs and I preached the following week in swim trunks. I knew they wanted to shave my head this year but I am too vain for that and besides, I have a wedding next week. The pig seemed much easier. Also, I'm not sure if my hair would actually grow back. I might end up looking some other Thompsons.
that is great, how exciting. Glad for you that you got away with a pigs kiss!
I would gladly have given money to see you shave your head!!!
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