Well, It's official! We went to the doctor Friday afternoon and we got to see the newest memeber of our family! As of Friday, Karen is 9 weeks pregnant and our due date is March 20th. We told the boys this weekend... it was pretty uneventful. We started by showing them pictures of themselves as babies... but they lost interest before we could get the words out. When we told them that there was a baby in mommy's belly, they were a little interested, but it didn't last long. Then on the way home from church, I decided to check to see if they remembered. When I asked what mommy had in her belly, Zach was first to yell out, "baby!" Chase has said some funny things already like... "Mommy, when your mouth gets big enough, the baby will come out."
So, the picture. The baby is in the middle left with a line thru the middle... to take a measurement. As the text at the bottom points out, it measured at an equivalent to 9 weeks, 1 day... which confirms our estimated due date!
We'll keep you posted!
woohoo. That is Drew's birthday. So excited for you guys. 3 is a handful, but a blast at the same time.
2 is a handful... :)
yes, 2 is a handful, so get ready! We like that due date! ~Becky
I'm so thrilled for you guys!!! I know it is a handful, but all too soon you will find the time slipping through your hands...although we still have days that just never seem to end.... :0)
We find this line to be true... "Somoe days drag on forever, but the years go by in a flash."
Somehow it's very true. We can't believe how big our boys have gotten already! And we're very excited about this new addition!
Congratulations!!!!!!! How exciting!
Congrats! You are blessed!
-BECKY LYNN (Pitz :)
(Doesn't look like you'll steal any of our important date this time. Good job :)
CONGRADULATIONS!!Maybe it will be a girl to boss those two boys for you.LOL
March 20th is my sister's birthday
(as well as Drew's)so it will be easy to remember.
A new baby is NOT exciting to two boys but if you had said a puppy or a fish they would have been jumping up and down...it is something about babies that don't
give them the same excitement.LOL
We will be praying for you and hope everything goes good for you.
CONGRATULATIONS GUYS! We are so happy for you. Children and grandchildren (that day will come before you know it) are a wonderful blessing from God.
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