Mom beat me to the punch with the blog post, but I just gotta add to it. They drove up to MA on Thursday evening after work... 8 hours! For mom it was the last weekend of the summer before students showed up. Dad had been out of work for several days in the last 2 weeks due to a really bad back. And still, they made the drive up. Why drive, why not fly? Because Dad was bringing up a carload of tools for helping me replace the kitchen & bathroom floors, replace the kitchen counters, fix some broken siding, and spackle some walls! Mom spent the days with Karen keeping the boys occupied while Dad and I got work done in the house.
The bad back notwithstanding, Dad probably saved us a couple thousand $ and I know he saved us months of weekends of me trying to do it! We still have lots to do... the kitchen walls still need some more spackle, then paint. The chair rail still needs to go up. And the tile behind the counter needs to be installed. But evenstill, at the end of the weekend when Dad was then packing up to make the long drive home just in time to start his week of work... I almost cried, thinking of how huge a gift this was! Not to mention how great it was to work side by side with one of my greatest heroes!
Thanks, Dad! I love you!
The old floor...
Dad hard at work...

The finished product: floor & countertop....
It really looks great, guys.
I love the new floor.
that does look very nice and new. Great job! I know how you feel, we are all so lucky to have dad's who are skilled at home improvements. Such an expense.
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