Saturday, November 15, 2008

Heaven and Hell

In case you haven't seen it in the news, Westmont College, the Santa Barbara California Christian liberal arts college where Karen worked for 4 years has been in flames the last couple of days. There has been a terrible wild fire that has spread thru Montecito and Santa Barbara destroying numerous homes, including some Residence Halls, Classroom buildings, and faculty housing on Westmont's campus. The fact have been hard to keep straight, so to prevent from spreading false rumors, I'll refer you to the Westmont website, They have pictures, facts, and prayer requests posted. Please keep the students, faculty, and campus leaders in your prayers as they try to re-group. We have many friends who have lost their homes, and/or now have LOTS to do to just care for the community (coordinating housing, working with parents, preparing for the remainder of the semester, etc.). Thanks for your prayers!


Chip and Karen said...

Sorry for the confusing title. The reference is to the fact that Santa Barbara is often referred to as "paradise" or "heaven". There was a quote from Rob Lowe (who lives in Santa Barbara) who referred to the fires as being like "Armegeddon". After I wrote the title, I lost my train of thought as some small child kept trying to touch my keyboard with his ukelele.

Pauline said...

Oh so sorry, I noticed everyone commenting to Karen on Facebook but i didn't know how it related to her. Thanks for posting. Sure will pray