Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Happy Birthday, Brian!

I just happened to have this older picture of Brian on my work laptop. Enjoy your day, Brian! 26?! Getting old!


Brian said...

Thanks so much, Chip. 26 does feel a bit old, actually!

Carty Family said...

That's because you are still a baby. Chip just wishes he was still as young as you.

Chip and Karen said...

I can remember when 26 sounded old. Now it sounds so young. How can that be?

I love where I am in life... but I must admit I also miss being 26... especially since I was living in Santa Barbara at the time!

MOM said...

Happy Birthday. At this point in my life 46 sounds young. How do you think it feels for your "baby" to be 26? Enjoy your vacation.