Sunday, September 24, 2006

Tonight was Successful!

Tom, Toby, and Sam had a good
hunt tonight! They are taking care
of getting her on ice, details to follow.


Brenda Arce said...

I didn't realize hunting season started so early. Good job guys!

Roni said...

Wow Great job guys! Looks like you had a lot of fun too. Tom you are a great dad!

Bonnie said...

Oh wow, dear hunting season again! We've got to hear some stories!!!!

Phil said...

Here in TN we call animals that size "cows"!

Tom Thompson said...

For all who care to know. Sunday evening was our first hunt of the season. Toby was in his own stand. He did not see any deer. Sam & I were sitting together in the same tree. After watching one buck walk by at 50 yards we saw two does coming up the trail from the canyon. We were hunting on high ground about 15 yards from the canyon side. The first and larger doe came first. When she cleared some branches at 5-6 yards I stopped her, drew quickly and shot. At 20 feet high in the tree this was quite an angle. She turned and ran back down into the canyon. After going home to get Jesse we found her after following the blood trail about 100 yards. Her field dressed weight was 105lbs.

Uncle Lee, this tree stand is right above where you shot your deer. It is also about 10 yards from where Toby shot one last year with His Muzzle Loader.

We ran out of vension just a few weeks ago. God has provided again!

MOM said...

A "good" hunt is not the same for everyone it seems. I think I would describe it different. Anyone need deer meat, I'll mail some from last season! LOL I think Grandpop needs some "lucky charms" like Tom Jr. has. Or maybe it is just an extra pair of ears?

Pauline said...

wow, too funny. What a fun time with the kids. What a great provision just in time. Enjoy!

Barbara said...

Congratulations. You have Uncle Lee drooling, Tom. Keith got a deer with bow and arrow about three weeks ago. Uncle Lee just found a new spot this afternoon. He is in a different state now, so he has to find out where they run. Maybe he'll soon have some pictures to brag about!

Anonymous said...

Hey, great looking deer. I am envious and would love to come out again sometime. Maybe next year.

Is that an exit wound coming out the back leg?

Love ya, Uncle Lee

Tom Thompson said...

Yes Uncle Lee, you are very observant. That is the exit wound. I believe the deer took a step just as I released. She was only slightly turned toward me and at a fairly steep angle. Not a great shot but she only went 100 yards.

The DeLormes said...

Congratulations on your deer, men!

Tom... I have to agree with Roni, you are a GREAT dad! Happy hunting!