Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Loomis VFD

I thought the kids might like to see these pictures of a house we burned down last night.  



Brenda Arce said...

Wow those are some pretty incredible pictures!
Was it a training exercise or just getting rid of an old house or both?
How frightening to think of that happening to one's own home!

Tom Thompson said...

Brenda, this was an old house that needed to be removed so we practiced with it. What everyone needs to understand is that we entered this house about one minute after the fire was started. Within 30 seconds of entry there was complete darkness. After 5 minutes we had to back out because of the intense heat. This was a little faster than normal since the windows were out and we used diesel fuel to get it going. However good smoke detectors and an escape plan are essential.

Pauline said...

wow, that is fast, that would have been very interresting to be a part of. Thanks for sharing them

Bonnie said...

That was amazing! So do you help with the fire station on the side or how did you get to be a part of this?

Tom Thompson said...

Bonnie, Our fire department is 100% volunteer. I joined about 12 years ago to help in the community. I am now a Fire Fighter and EMT.