Monday, July 21, 2008

Braden is here!

Braden Montgomery was born at 8:15 am today (Mon 7/21).  He is 9lbs 15 oz and 21“ long.

Everyone is doing great!

Montgomery is in honor of Becky’s father and grandfather (Montgomery was their middle names).

Some pictures are below and more are available and even more will be available later today and in the days to come at






Anonymous said...

Hey Rob and Becky,

All praise to our great God for His blessings in your lives. Yes, little Braden is truly a gift from heaven. You guys are truly blessed, that's for sure.

Uncle Earl and Aunt Donna

Carty Family said...

Congratulations! He is beautiful. What a great anniversary present.

Bonnie said...

Congratulations on your new little bundle of joy!!!! I remember how much you prayed for childen before the first child and now you have three! Praise the Lord!

uncle lew said...

What a BIG boy!!!one more oz and he would have been 10 lbs WOW!
is he walking yet??HAHA You and Cyndi did a great job in getting the cutest boys ...and so close to gether.Hope you(Becky) are doing fine and everything is going OK for you.CONGRADULATIONS!! How do the other kids like Braden???

Uncle Lew and Aunt Jean

Pauline said...

congratulations!!! so glad all went well for both of you. May God bless you both with your three children. I too remember how difficult it was for you when you were just praying and hoping for one. God blessed and we are so happy for you