Saturday, August 09, 2008

Science or Science Fiction?

Karen found this on one of our cherry tomato plants today! The boys loved touching it and staring at it! None of us had ever seen anything this size before! Needless to say, it has since been "re-located" far from our tomatoes! Anyone seen this before or know what it is?


MOM said...

You got T R O U B L E, the green kind. This caterpillar can eat an entire big plant in less than one day. Your can pick and kill them or dust with Sevin. Don't save them, they make babies!.

Pauline said...

interresting! Never seen it before! I could see the boys loving it... very green too.

Carty Family said...

WOW that worm is big. Hope you can get rid of them.

Brenda Arce said...

I've seen that critter on my tomato plants!!!...he is no longer alive-squished him with the hoe! He or his accomplice ate at least 2 feet off the tops of my plants! It happened over night-I was amazed the next morning to see how much had been eaten! Hope you are able to get rid of them.