Monday, November 17, 2008

Sam's First Deer

This is Sam's first season hunting deer.  Sam, Toby a I went hunting all day Saturday.  We saw a couple of does and one huge buck but did not get a deer.  Today, I picked Sam up after school.  We set up on an Alfalfa field where the deer are feeding.  Only ten minutes after getting in the blind a doe stepped out at a little over 100 yards.   She gave us several opportunities but we decided that Sam would wait for a closer shot.  Soon a deer stepped out into the field at 35 yards.   Sam made a perfect shot and harvested his first deer.  Nebraska allows the kids a bonus antlerless tag so he used that and still hopes for a buck.  The deer ran about 60 yards after the shot.  Sam drug it back to the field by himself.  





Chip and Karen said...

Congratulations, Sam! What a great memory! She looks like a big doe... the more dinners to remember it by!

Carty Family said...

Congratulations, Sam! I think you may have beaten everybody's record of getting a deer on your 2nd trip!