I shot this doe on Wednesday.
Toby shot his first deer Saturday morning 10 minutes after the season opened. It ran about two hundred yards after a lung shot.
Don't you think mine is bigger? Toby doesn't agree of course.

This is our little spot on the web to keep up with each other and share pictures easily!
Toby! I can't believe you shot a deer 10 minutes into the season!!!! Good job!! Enjoy your harvest
woohoo!! That's awesome, Toby! Congratulations
How cool is that!?! Way to go. I want the details!!! How far was it when you shot? where were you hunting, were you excited? Did you gut it?
Toby says: I was hunting this morning down by Holbrook. We were sitting on the ground between two branches of a fallen tree. Shooting light was at 6:53am. This deer came out at 7:00am. When I shot, he was at 25 yards. He was quartering towards me. I shot him in the base of the neck. I hit his lungs. He ran 200 yards, fell over and died. I did most of the gutting, but my dad helped. I got nervous when he went over a hill. He was laying just over the hill when we found him.
You beat your "Ole" Dad hands down. Your dear is bigger, better looking and you look "more cool" than Dad anyway. Congradulations!
That must have been really exciting. I didn't kill my first dear until I was way, way, way older than you and all I could do was yell and scream as I danced around it until your Grandfater came and joined me as we then both yelled, screamed and hollwered around my dead dear! Now that was cool!!!
Uncle Earl
Way to go! I think your deer was definitely bigger than your dad's. They were both big deer. Certainly a lot bigger than ours here in New Jersey. I think it must be all of that corn.
wow...I am impressed Toby...way to out hunt your dad!!
Uncle Earl that is too funny!!
Wow, Toby. Can't tell whose deer is bigger, but from what I understand, that nice little rack on top of your buck's head is a trophy that far outweighs the value of the size...am I right? Congratulations! Aunt Barb
Congratulations on your deer Toby!!!! If i'm seeing the pictures correctly yours has a rack on its head and your dad's doesn't. Way to go!!!!!!!!!! Sounds like you had a good aim. I'm proud of you! :-) Keep up the good work!
Man Tom, you gona share any of that deer meat with the rest of us? LOL :-) I think you're set for Thanksgiving dinner now, aren't you? Enjoy!!! :-)
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