Cyndi, You make me laugh... What a picture of our hunters jumping on a deer "catching" it. I think the goal, at least at my house, is not to shoot something too soon, or you don't get to spend all that time sitting in trees. Next Saturday is starts Toby's first rifle season. We have high hopes! --Steph
That is so cute! Must be so different raising boys. I missed out on that! (There's still hope--maybe we'll have a grandson someday!) You guys must be "livin'" as the Senior Patriarch in our family used to say! --A. Donna
Hey Stephanie, what can I say... catch a deer... shoot a deer... it is all the same to me! ") I am going to have to learn to really get into this "stuff" though... outnumbered by men as I am! ")
Cyndi, I now how you feel about being outnumbered by men... My Mattie was a special gift at the end! Anyway, it has taken me about 14 years to learn not to say I saw a "Cement" truck. It is a concrete truck, cement is an ingredient, just as a cake is a cake, not a "flour". As for the deer, either way you say it, what really matters is if it gets home and into the freezer! --Steph
Another hunter in the family... how cute!
Will this one catch anything... or just talk about it?")
uh oh... I'm in trouble now, I just know it!
Very cute! Love the bib...
glad you guys are ok, and that your catching up on things. I am sure it will be awhile till all is back on track.
oh my gosh, Drew looks just like the pictures of Rob as a baby. I miss you guys so much.
I'm with Brian, I was thinking the same thing! I want to know, Who is going to eat Drew's Candy? He is too cute! --Steph
Cyndi, You make me laugh... What a picture of our hunters jumping on a deer "catching" it. I think the goal, at least at my house, is not to shoot something too soon, or you don't get to spend all that time sitting in trees. Next Saturday is starts Toby's first rifle season. We have high hopes!
That is so cute! Must be so different raising boys. I missed out on that! (There's still hope--maybe we'll have a grandson someday!) You guys must be "livin'" as the Senior Patriarch in our family used to say!
--A. Donna
Man a bow hunter! Now that is what I like to see. You are raising him right, Rob. God bless. Uncle Lee
Hey Stephanie, what can I say... catch a deer... shoot a deer... it is all the same to me! ") I am going to have to learn to really get into this "stuff" though... outnumbered by men as I am! ")
How adorable! He looks so cute dressed up in his hunting geer!!
Drew that is.... sorry Rob he, he. :-)
Great pictures!
I now how you feel about being outnumbered by men... My Mattie was a special gift at the end! Anyway, it has taken me about 14 years to learn not to say I saw a "Cement" truck. It is a concrete truck, cement is an ingredient, just as a cake is a cake, not a "flour". As for the deer, either way you say it, what really matters is if it gets home and into the freezer! --Steph
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