All the kids competed in a Tae kwon Do tournament. They competed in Sparing and Forms. This is mattie recieving her medal after her Forms Competition. They all enjoy this and are doing well. Mattie is a Yellow Belt, Sam & Jesse are green and Toby is Red.

December Trout Fishing.
We caught 5 or 6. Sam caught the first one

Basketball. He pinned this wrestler during the second period. A match is three 2 miniute periods. In his second match Toby lost a 3 - 2 decision. He found out that while he has been playing basketball for years other kids have been doing wrestling. Yet he almost won anyway.
way to go guys! Mattie, you look just like your daddy did when he was young (he is old now right?) You all look like you had fun. Congratulations on all the medals!
Sam, way to go on the first fish!
Toby, you look so professional in the wrestling pictures... I can't believe how big you are getting.
So what levels do yellow, red and green represent? Great job kids in the tae kyon do!!!! I bet it's fun to receive metals, isn't it? And Sam, congratulations on catching the first fish!!! Looks like a good one! Toby, keep up the good work with the wresteling! Glad you found another sport you like as well as basket ball. :-) Basketball is a fun game too! Looks like you are all having a lot of fun! :-)
The Belt system starts with a white belt. Than yellow, orange, green, purple, blue, red, 2 levels of brown, then a black belt. It has been a great experience for them all. The focus is on discipline and perseverence, respect for self and others, and self defense, not fighting. Our instructor doesn't refer to any eastern teachings. The kids were impressed because he has a big "Jesus" tatoo on his arm:)
O neat! So Toby is a RED?!!! Way to go!!!! Keep up the good work kids! Sounds like a fun sport!
Wow you guys are busy. Keep up the good work. Cody is trying to get the hang of a bow too. Tom, he has one of your dad's. He is also learning to build, he is building a tree house. They get big too fast.
Loved the pictures. Mattie is beautiful, thankfully she has plenty of brothers to keep the boys away and be her protectors!
Loved the wrestling pictures, great job Toby! Christopher was just saying he would like to take Tae kwon do lessons...we'll see if we can ever fit it into our schedule.
Stephanie how are you feeling? Are you pretty much back to normal?
I am doing pretty well. I am not all the way back to normal, but I see progress each day. I haven't been able to resume exercising, or vacumming, or the laundry! Tom keeps pretty close tabs on how much I do. I've been cleaning drawers out, as they aren't too noticeable or draining, but I tire very easily. Most afternoons I still grab a nap so I can function through the rest of the day. Other than those few things, I am back to running children places. Today I also got to witness a couple in our church adopt a little boy who they have foster parented for almost a year. What a blessing! I know what you mean about busy schedules. I guess it will be like this for quite a few more years. Yesterday the children all signed up for baseball/T-ball as well as a Tae Kwon Do tournament. I was tired just thinking about adding more stuff in. Your pic's from your trip were fabulous. What a great ministry you have! Hope you have a great day!--Steph
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