This was Jesse's first time shooting a bow.

Mattie is enjoying the nice March weather.
Remember this Bow, Rob?

This is Toby's first time shooting my old bow. He is shooting it at 26 pounds. He needs to be up to 40# before he can take his test. He is hoping to Bow hunt next fall.

Sam is relearning to shoot. Although he is left handed we discovered that he is right eye dominant. So he is hoping to shoot right handed. This will afffect a gun as well. Up until now he has only shot left handed.
What great pictures!
Jesse and Toby: doesn't look like your first times. You look like pros
Toby and Sam look great. They must have a good teacher. Yes, it is really important to know if you are right or left eye dominant and shoot accordingly.
I hope I can come out in the Fall to deer hunt with you guys. I retire on April 23. I will still have to work part-time but will have more control over my time
Uncle Lee
Wow, you guys look like good archers!!!! Keep up the good work! :-)
that is interesting about the dominant eye thing. How did you find that out? Has his shot improved since using his right hand or is he still trying to get his right hand to work as well as his left?
There are several ways to check eye dominance. The easiest is to form a triangle with your two thumbs and index fingers. Then with your arms extended look at an object through the triangle. Then slowly without losing sight of the object bring the triangle back to your eye. The triangle should come back to one eye or the other. This will be your dominant eye. Or with the triangle extended close one eye at a time. If the object moves that is not your dominant eye.
Sam has not shot enough to really know if he has improved. But dominant eye is much more important than dominant hand.
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