Today is Mattie's Birthday! We call her our Mattie O' Pattie. She had some friends over and they played dress up and did Karaoke.
Thanks, Brianna for the great idea of making beaded bracelets! We tried it too!

We finally used our almost 17 year old wedding gift cake plate. I'm sure it won't take that long to use it again.

Mattie loves her jewelry box that Pop Pop made her! She has already started filling it up! XOXO to Grandmom and Pop Pop!

The girls went on a treasure hunt for a pot of gold, (chocolate gold coins and party bags) and finished up their time jumping in the tramp.

The boys weren't used to being outnumbered by girls, but they had a fun time too. They were the wild indian type attackers outside of the trampolene!
Stephanie-the cake is absolutely beautiful!! Great job!
Happy Birthday Mattie, it looks like your party was a blast! How old are you now?
Uncle Tom did a wonderful job on the jewelry box, what a treasure.
Too funny about the boys, it was good they were outnumbered for a little bit.
The cake is soooo nice. Sounds like a really fun party with the beading, treasure hunt, and girly girl dress up!!!! Mattie, your sure had a special day! The jewlery box is such a beautiful treasure too
Happy Birthday Mattie (a couple days late!) Looks like you had a fun party!
Love, Uncle Rob and Aunt Becky
Wow! Sounds Like a real girls party!!!!! I love the cake decoration too! Looks like you girls had a whole lot of fun! :-) Isn't it nice to have a Pop pop who knows how to make such nice things like a jewerly box!!!! I'd keep that and pass it down to your children! That's pretty neat!!
Rachel, I would love to see pictures of you when you were little. I am amazed at how much the Thompson cousins look so much alike. Even the newest generation can be identified as Thompsons by just at a glance. --Steph
Cute, cute, cute!!! Ahhhh, pink cake.. must be nice! hee hee
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