Saturday, May 05, 2007

Happy Birthday Toby!

Toby celebrated his 14th birthday by taking his first turkey. He shot this bird at 43 paces in light rain and thunder. We set up in a blind with our decoys. About 10 birds walked by just before sunrise. This gobbler was the last one. The hens were closer but the Gobbler stayed further out. I called a few times to get him to stop but he kept walking so Toby shot when he turned slightly to walk away. The Bird weighs 20lbs, has a 9.5" beard and 7/8" spurs. A real trophy in our books. We are excited to kill our first bird. After several years of trying I have not killed one yet. I believe this Bird is an Eastern Turkey due to the dark tail feathers. We have Merriams around also. Sam was with us in the blind as well. He is excited to hunt turkeys next spring after he turns 12.


Brian said...

Congratulations, Toby! That is so exciting. That's a big bird, holy cow.

Great shot

Brenda Arce said...

wow...that is soooo cool. Will you wait until Thanksgiving to feast on it?

Earl's Family said...

Happy Birthday, Toby. 14 - WOW! Doesn't seem possible. What a way to celebrate!

Aunt Donna and Uncle Earl

Rob and Becky said...

you turkey!

Pauline said...

congratulations on the birthday and turkey! I vote to enjoy that turkey now!

Anonymous said...

mt friend went turkey hunting on saterday and got shot by another hunter he is ok

Anonymous said...


Bonnie said...

Happy Birthday and way to go on catching that turkey!!!! What a GREAT present for yourself! I bet that just made your day, didn’t it? :-)

The DeLormes said...

Great job, Toby! What a HUGE bird!