In addition, wedding plans are really moving along. We just got the invitation ordered. We are ordering them from this really cheap but cool place in India called AllWeddingCards.Com. We just got .jpg proofs and are in the design finalization stage. There are tons of other wedding details that we are really starting to make progress on.
I'm becoming a Mennonite. I currently attend Frazer Mennonite Church and will be accepted as a member there late June or early July. I have really appreciated learning about the incredibly rich history of this faith. A group who has its own roots beginning just after the reformation when they, the Anabaptists, were persecuted horribly by those heroes of the faith that the rest of us lift up, such as Martin Luther and Ulrich Zwingli. I have been very excited by the incredibly high importance the Mennonites put on living out our faith and trying to live up to the first two commandments, while fully affirming that we have all fallen short of the glory of God. The Mennonites have a few other signature beliefs/customs that are very exciting to me also, such as simple living, refusal to make oaths, a pledge of peace and non-violence, and embracing theological, spiritual, and relational diversity while being grounded in a desire to serve the Lord. Anyway, I could go on and on, but it is all very exciting.
Lastly, Becca is starting to wrap up school. It will really be a blessing this summer when she has the time to plan details of the wedding, begin the moving in process, etc.
Oh, and I'm down to 198 lbs! Look out Rob, I'm coming down!
God Bless
1 comment:
I like the house Brian! It looks very nice!
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