Sunday, June 22, 2008
Painful news
Erin was Linda Fiertag and Joe Elton's daughter. Therefore, she was the niece of Linda and Tom Thompson.
There will be a viewing at Adams-Perfect Funeral Home in Northfield, NJ on Wednesday 6/25 at 7pm. The funeral service will be at the Church of the Nazarene, also in Northfield, at 11am on Thursday 6/26; there will be an additional viewing prior to the surface Thursday at 10-11am.
In His confusing but capable hands,
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Day 8 – Goodbye Hershey
We wound up getting a late start. I had some banking issues that needed to be straightened out. It seems someone stole my debit card number and did some recreational shopping on the internet for some video games.
What to do, what to do? We used our last ticket in
We chose the bats and set our GPS (Tommie Girl) for u’re thinking. Didn’t they go to
Upon returning we went to the chocolate factory and bought lots of candy and had dessert for dinner. The kids did the little Candy Factory Works where they got to wear a hat and received an official Hershey Workers badge.
I’ll be doing a final blog tomorrow night to sum up our trip home.
Blog ya tomorrow,
This is Christopher being silly by pressing his lips up against the truck window that hasn't been washed sense New Jersey.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Day 7 - Wet and Wild, That's The Ticket.
This morning I was thinking. What the hey? My family needs an adventure, the kind of adventure that would bring them face to face with some of the most ferocious animals in
ZooAmerica is the zoo at
After the zoo we went back into the park so the kids could get on a couple of the coaster again and so mommy could ride the Ferris wheel. We did see a couple of shows, then someone had the bright idea to ride the Canyon Rapids water ride on which we became totally soaked. See picture.
All in all we had another great day and I had a giant Bar-B-Q turkey leg for lunch. What could be better?
Not sure what we’ll do tomorrow, but I’ll bet it will be something.
Blog ya tomorrow,
Some bonus pictures.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Day 6 – What Were We Thinking?
We must be insane, that’s all there is to it. That would explain how we could let our children talk us into going on this coaster called Fahrenheit. It was the second coaster of the morning we rode with Sidewinder being the first. We waited in line for an hour just for a 60 second thrill. Here is a YouTube video so you can see what we went through.
After a few hours in the park we decided chilly weather or not we‘re going to the Boardwalk. What? A Boardwalk in may have a separate entrance, but no you have to cart all your stuff from the very entrance of
played for quite a bit in the East Coast Water Works section. You can see what it looks like in the picture.
The air became very chilly so we decide to change back into our clothes and finish the rest of our time in the park. We were able to ride a couple of the coasters again after sunset which was pretty cool. We closed the park with the final ride being the Tilt-A-Whirl.
That's it for today, I think we are planning to do the same thing tomorrow with the addition of meeting some friends from church for lunch.
Blog you tomorrow,
PS. Here's a bonus video of a ride Darlene and I rode called The Claw
Day 5 - I See Dead People
The trip was grueling. The DVD player didn’t work correctly and Christopher was locked into some fierce battles with video games characters. But an hour later we made it.
We purchased the audio cd tour that you listen to as you drive all around and it explains the different points of interest. The tour is supposed to take about 2 hours but I think ours took about 5. We kept stopping and getting out for pictures and to read all the plagues that are about the battlefields.
Oh, no. Its looks like there’s about to be another skirmish on the battlefield.
In this picture it looks like daddy's had enough of Darlene and Christopher. Just kidding, I wouldn’t trade of anything unless the Gypsies gave me something really good.
After the tour we went to the visitor’s center to watch a film about
We had another great day. Tomorrow is suppose to be half day in the waterpark and the other half in Hershey
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Day 3, 4 – Are We There Yet?
Yes, the Carty’s have arrived in Hershey. We started our 3rd day off with a little shopping at the Outlet Mall in We then made our way to the Indian Echo Caverns. The kids really dug it but to my dismay there was neither an echo nor any Indians, oh well maybe next time. After the cavern tour we headed off to Hershey. Our hotel is just 3 minutes from the park so driving there is no problem and there is very little traffic. We didn’t check in until after 5:00 so we weren’t going to be able to do much in the park and we decided to visited Chocolate World and do the little tour.
As you can see from the picture I didn’t make it through. Sorry Chip the Pepsi didn’t work. J
Day 4
We went to park a 10:00 in the morning and the kids had us ride most of the coasters. We have 2 left to ride, The Side Winder and Fahrenheit. We did manage to squeeze in a few other rides through out the day.
Below are links to a couple YouTube videos of the coaster we rode. Enjoy
Storm Runner
The Great Bear
Sorry for the double day post. The Internet access at the hotel is very spotty.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Toby's Surgery
Toby is doing well after his surgery. He continues to be in quite a bit of pain but the meds are helping with that. We are on our way today for his first therapy session. We have been told that it will be painful. For those who wish to see, I have included a video of the surgery. Don't watch it if you think you will pass out. I am not responsible. I think its really cool but others around here think its gross. There is no sound with the video so don't hit your computer. The tear is about an inch long in an upside down l shape. He has four tiny incisions.
Great weekend!

Sunday, June 15, 2008
Day 2 - Hey What's That Sound...
We had a really nice train ride, very relaxing and yes we did hear the ghost whistle of a train lost long ago. :-)
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Day 1 - And We're Off!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Prayers for Toby
Toby is having surgery on Friday to repair a "Slap Tear" in his right shoulder Click Here for info on "Slap Tears". We believe this injury was caused during a wrestling match on January 11. This was one of Toby's Toughest matches. It was a hard fought clean match. However his opponent used Toby's arm as leverage. Toby finished the season strong wining many matches but felt some pain each time. We thought it would heal but it hasn't. An MRI confirmed the tear. Toby will be in a sling for 6 weeks and them have 3-4 months of Therapy rehab. The doctor told him that he should be fixed up ready to wrestle in 6 months. So he will miss football but should miss only a few weeks of wrestling. His goal is to be ready right after Christmas.
Saturday, June 07, 2008
Bed 1
- a few other types of flowers (just starting to poke up)
Bed 2
- peppers
- spinach (we started from seed and its pretty far behind)
- cucumbers (same deal)
- pumpkins
- lettuce
- radishes (at least we think. . .long story)
- potatoes (We weren't planning on groing these, but friends of ours had extra, so we planted a few. Now, they are these huge beautiful leafy plants that are the most exciting looking things in our garden)
- spring onions
Bed 3
- tomatoes
- more lettuce
Bed 4
- crookneck sqaush
- watermelons
- amish melon (looks like a cantelope on the seed package)
- more pumpkins
- Butternut squash
Everytime we go to the garden, Gryff comes along. We tye him up on the outside of the fence next to where we will be working.
We are really having a blast and learning as we go. Becca and I started a bunch of things from seed in our basement under some flourescent lights. Then we planted the cold weather stuff. The weekend before Memorial Day, Mom and Dad came back herer after Andrea Spengler's graduation. We spent the afternoon working in the garden. That's the day that we really got the most done. Mom and Dad were a lot of help. Becca and I are pretty much flying by the seat of our pants when it comes to most of this stuff, hence the "learning as we go." So, Mom and Dad's experience and knowledge was invaluable.
We were having trouble with rabbits or possible groundhogs and, we think, crows. We planted Marigolds to try to keep rabbits away and we put netting over the beds to see if it will keep crows away.
So, we haven't actually harvested anything yet, but we're excited that things are at least growing.