Today was the final day in Hershey, tomorrow we head for home.
We wound up getting a late start. I had some banking issues that needed to be straightened out. It seems someone stole my debit card number and did some recreational shopping on the internet for some video games.
What to do, what to do? We used our last ticket in Hershey Park yesterday so today we had a couple of choices. We could go the Hershey Gardens and smell all the pretty flowers and watch the lovely butterflies flutter all about. Or we could venture deep inside the damp dingy earth with the possibility of being attacked my ravenous bats.
We chose the bats and set our GPS (Tommie Girl) for Crystal Cave. Now I know what yo
u’re thinking. Didn’t they go to Indian Echo Cave earlier in their trip? And once you’ve seen on hole in the ground haven’t you really seen them all? You would be correct on both counts. But what made this trip worth while was the scenic route our GPS took us through to get to our destination. We traveled along all these winding, twisting, and hilly roads giving a view of the mountains and valleys we normally wouldn’t get to see. It was really a nice trip.
Upon returning we went to the chocolate factory and bought lots of candy and had dessert for dinner. The kids did the little Candy Factory Works where they got to wear a hat and received an official Hershey Workers badge.

We capped off our night by sitting in the parking lot of Red Robins and watching the fireworks that
Hershey Park has on Saturday nights.
I’ll be doing a final blog tomorrow night to sum up our trip home.
Blog ya tomorrow,
Bonus picture.
This is Christopher being silly by pressing his lips up against the truck window that hasn't been washed sense New Jersey.
I am glad that you guys could get away as a family and enjoy yourselves. I can tell you from experience that your kids will never forget this vacation. God bless. Love ya, Uncle Lee
Looks like you all had fun! Hope you get the debit card situation resolved... that was unfortunate.
Thanks for sharing the pics from your trip with us! It was fun to see what you all did each day.
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