Monday, June 16, 2008

Toby's Surgery

Toby is doing well after his surgery.  He continues to be in quite a bit of pain but the meds are helping with that.  We are on our way today for his first therapy session.   We have been told that it will be painful.   For those who wish to see, I have included a video of the surgery.  Don't watch it if you think you will pass out.  I am not responsible.  I think its  really cool but others around here think its gross.  There is no sound with the video so don't hit your computer. The tear is about an inch long in an upside down l shape.  He has four tiny incisions.    


Pauline said...

oh my!!!! that tops whatever I've watched on the internet!!

Very cool and interesting

Linda Thompson said...

Ok, I made 2:35, that is enought for me.

Anonymous said...

You did better than me... I don't even like the still picture. Is anyone getting an appendix out?...a video would make a lovely gift for Tom :0) Toby is doing very well now that he is able to keep food and his meds down.

Carty Family said...

We couldn't get past the first stitch. It is really cool though. I'm glad Toby is doing well.