Saturday, October 15, 2005

He's Still running

Since I am about the only one still hunting I thought I would share an update. This morning Jesse and I sat in a stand on Spring creek. This stand is about 75 yards from where Dad set up his ground blind. Toby was in another stand. He saw nothing except a calf that came to his grunt calls. At 8:45 Jesse tapped me and pointed north. I looked and saw nothing. When he pointed again I realized I had looked past a large 8 point buck. This deer was larger than any I have shot. He was at 35 yards and looking right at us. I think he saw Jesse pointing. As he looked away I drew. Knowing something wasn't right he started to leave giving me a quartering away shot. I used my long pin and released. The arrow went quite a bit low. It actually hit him in the lower front leg. I could not believe I had shot so low. After retrieving the arrow I realized that by the time I released he was actually 41 yards out. Definitely too far for my sight pin. At home I took a shot at the same distance and shot in exactly the same place except that I missed the leg two inches to the right at home. Right after the buck ran we had a spike come in to about 15 yards responding to my grunts calls. He never offered a shot. Later we saw three very nice bucks about 150 yards. They completely ignored my grunt calls. Hopefully my next update will include pictures of the big one.


Rob and Becky said...

You sound like dad!!! Sorry Dad, but if the shoe fits...

Great story Tom, but the truth is, you missed!

Don't be thinking you are the only one left that hunts. Won't you be jealous when I am pig huntin down here in the everglades!

Pauline said...

Dad had ALL intentions of hunting this year... ha, Just don't fall out of a tree! Your story is great, what fun times to have with your boys.

Anonymous said...

Hey Tom...that's a great story. Man, five bucks on one hunt! I have to tell eyes are getting all misty just thinking about it! The most touching story I've heard in quite some time! HA HA!

Hey man...KILL the thing next time..and make us all PROUD!

Tom Thompson said...

I'll try to kill him next time. I have been waiting for pictures of your next deer. I am hoping to take Sam out tonight. We are going to a different spot where I think we will see a few does. Hopefully we will get chance to kill a deer. I have a doe permit to fill. The place where I saw the bucks is best in the morning. Sam has not seen too many deer like the others. It just seems to work out that way.

Anonymous said...


Yeah...NJ is a bit different than Nebraska...we can bait, we MUST shoot a doe before we can get a buck...and during the bow season I can shoot as many does as I want!

I've been out three more times since I shot that dog.....I mean doe. Not seeing much at shootable times. About 10 minutes after sundown Monday I had a bunch of does approach my area but they needed to cross under a fence...and they chose not to. Big bummer.

I just might go down to Flemington and hunt out of Cyndi's dad's stand since his leg is hunting for him!

Hope you guys catch a break soon. It's so fun when the kids can experience the hunt...shot, tracking, field dress...

Two years ago I took my oldest son, Andrew with me on a morning hunt. (He was 5) I took him in my stand and had him sit at my feet with his legs hanging off. Before sunup he sneezed and then sniffled every few minutes. Wouldn't you know it...two antlerless deer come along...I shot right over his head and dropped that thing. Andrew identified the arrow...type of shot, tracked it and helped me drag it out.

A great father-son experience.

ENJOY it Tom...Lord bless you and your boys!