Monday, October 24, 2005

Safe in Florida

Rob asked me to put up a blog to let everyone know they are all ok. There is no power for 1/3 of the population of Florida, including their apt and home. The news in the Miami area is that the power company hopes to give residents an estimate this week of when the power may come back... not an encouraging thought! Rob says... "At least this time it's cooler. Last time it was a heat wave and just miserable." I guess that's the difference between FL and Massachusetts... their "cooler" in the evenings is still warmer than our daytime highs!

The rumor mill, however, says that the Ft. Myers area (new house) could even get power back as early as Tuesday.

There's tons of adjustments to make to the planned move for this week, so Rob is keeping busy. The lock on the old office door is electronic, and without power, they can't get in... they're trying to find a solution, but nothing yet. Please be praying for the details of the move to be worked out. No word yet on whether Becky's store will be open for business by Tuesday, when she's scheduled to work.

Drew seems to be dealing with this just fine. Last night he slept on the floor at a friend's house (Rob, Becky, and Drew headed there from their apartment in the middle of the night), and he slept just fine. Tonight Rob and Becky are using flash lights in their apartment and Drew is, once again... sleeping.

There doesn't seem to be drastic damage in either area, though there's roof shingles all over the apartment complex parking lot, some smashed car windows, downed fences and electric lines, etc. North of their home seems to have gotten hit harder.

All in all, everyone's fine... just details to work out regarding the move. Thanks for your prayers!

Chip... for Rob, Becky, and Drew


Brian said...

praise God. It sounds like Rob needs to bust out the camp gear. A propane stove would still work. I don't know, it sounds to me like a few days off from work and a couple day camp-out in FL wouldn't be too bad! Just kidding guys.

Pauline said...

I am so glad you guys are safe... what an ordeal though! And to do all that with a baby is hard too. They don't understand why things are different, although, it might just seem like a big vacation to Drew. Let us know how the house did and if you sustained any damage.. hope not. Brian, you are too funny... camping and a few days off work is right")

Bonnie said...

Praise the Lord it was nothing worse!!!!! So glad to hear everyone is doing fine. I'll contiure to pray for you with all the details. :-) Yeah, I agree, sounds like a good opportunity for a nice camping vacation!! :-) lol

Brenda Arce said...

Thanks for the update Chip. I was looking online at the weather channel. They had a lot of pics from the fort Myers area. It looked like a lot of downed trees.

Glad we weren't in Cozumel for this Hurricane, they had much more damage from this one, a lot of flooding.

We'll pray for you guys, glad you are alright!

Tom Thompson said...

Brian, We are not engineers who get to take off time any time we want. Some of us actually have to work and don't have time for camping. And they say pastors only work one day a week.

It sounds like you and Becca had a lot of fun. I can't help you much on the car thing. You'll have to weigh the costs. I have bought three used vehicles. Two have been good.

The DeLormes said...

Whew! Praise God that you all are safe. ") Keep us posted on the move. ")

Chip and Karen said...

Rob did say that he has his Coleman Stove setup in the kitchen!

Hey, Tom... Waa, Waa, Waa. :)

Tom Thompson said...

Can any one say Carbon Monoxide!

WAA WAA yourself. Are you at work today or is this another of those days off. How is your weather. It looks nasty from here. We have sun and 65 degrees. Nebraska is truly the good life.

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord, Rob, Becky and Drew are all ok. We were praying and will continue to pray.

Tom Thompson said...

Has anyone heard from Rob since Monday morning? Does he have food and water? How is the house in Lehigh Acres?

Chip and Karen said...

He called last night, but I didn't have much time to talk. He had waited in line for 2 hours to get gas and was back in line for the second car... literally a mile long line. Prices were normal as gouging is illegal. Really the issue is just that gas stations still don't have power, so you have to find a gas station that doesn't have electronic pumps... I didn't know they even existed still.

Sorry, but that's all I know. I'll probably try calling him tonight on my way home. I'll let you know then how things stand.
